PARENTS: If you have any CHANGES to your address, phone number, email or any other contact information please alert the office as soon as possible.
April 18 is now a full day of school (snow day make-up)
Our Backpack Buddies Sponsor-of-the-Month for March is the Mick family! We are so appreciative of their support and financial contribution to this important program!

HVAC/Building Project

A comprehensive list of resources and information regarding the upcoming HVAC/Building Project.

Construction Updates

Supporting Documents & Voting Information for March 2, 2021


This set of frequently asked questions is meant to clearly communicate needs identified in the district related to making improvements in the facility and the action the board will take to continue facility revitalization.

Now that the transportation facility is complete, what is the next project UC needs to complete aligned to their strategic planning process?
School boards spend time each year working on long and short range goals related to school facilities and school funding resources. This year is no different. Next on the list to be repaired and refurbished is the school-wide HVAC system and also renovations to enlarge our lower elementary (PK, K, 1st) classrooms. This project includes enlarging the instructional spaces, adding restroom facilities, adding windows in walls and doors, updating egress corridors and updating the fire alarm systems to meet code. The inadequate air exchange in our HVAC system, and not being up to code related to ADA compliance and fire protection compelled the school board to move in this direction.

Why is HVAC needed now, this has been talked about for years?

  • Improve ventilation air / fresh air to the facility.
    • This will create a healthier indoor environment.
    • This will bring the school up to the current code requirements for fresh air.
    • (Currently many of our spaces do not have any fresh air.)
  • Improve student and staff comfort and improve the learning environment.
    • A comfortable space is a less distracting space.
    • New systems are efficient and quiet, saving energy and reducing noise in classrooms that disrupts learning.
    • Replacing units that need to be replaced now or in the very new future.

What parts of the HVAC are being replaced? Are all of the parts being replaced?
No, 95% of the mechanical systems are being replaced, and all of those systems will need new HVAC controls. In the gym and commons, the units are still functioning properly and they can be incorporated into the new HVAC system.

When do you plan to start the renovation project and how will this impact teachers?
In May, some construction will start that does not disrupt instruction. The rest of the construction will begin on the first day of summer. Teachers will pack up rooms for summer storage. Construction is scheduled to be completed in August with enough time for teachers to unpack and prepare for the school year.

Will this project raise my taxes?
No, this project will not raise your taxes. This document compares our school district tax rate with neighboring districts.

How does the district intend to pay for this project?
If approved in March, this project will be paid for with a continuation of SAVE and PPEL dollars. If this is not approved, the district will be forced to finance this project through only PPEL dollars. This course of action will significantly burden the district because, unlike SAVE, PPEL dollars support more than just building improvements.

Is there a way we could pay-as-you-go and spend the next ten years remodeling HVAC and the classrooms?
No, this is not an option for this project for many reasons, as the cost of materials and supplies could increase at a faster rate than the savings rate for the district. It is not fiscally responsible to complete partial projects as a pay-as-you-go process due to Iowa bid laws and regulations. Currently, the interest rate is around 1.5%. Due to low interest rates, this is a good time for financing.

What was replaced for HVAC 10 years ago?
This document details what was replaced 10 years ago.

If the vote passes, does the board have free reign to spend whatever they want on the project? So if the estimate is 4 million, but the bids come in at 8 million is the board free to spend that difference?
No. We have a fiduciary responsibility to our patrons and community to not spend money we don’t need to spend.

Will SAVE always be there if we borrow against it? Will we still get SAVE dollars each year?
SAVE is guaranteed state funding focused on building improvements until 2051.

Is the community voting on a bond?
No, the community is not voting on a general obligation bond. The vote simply allows the board the ability to borrow against the SAVE tax.

United is a great school. A school of learning, caring and belonging. I love United because they care, they make you feel like you belong and they help you learn. If you need something you can just ask. They  will help you.


Lucy B
5th Grade Student
©2025 United Community School District