Our Backpack Buddies Sponsor-of-the-Month for February is Bayer CropScience of Boone!
PARENTS: If you have any CHANGES to your address, phone number, email or any other contact information please alert the office as soon as possible.
April 18 is now a full day of school (snow day make-up)


Read through our school district policies.

Policy List


Pursuant to the requirement of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), a copy of the Asbestos Management Plan for each school building is available for review in each respective facility. A complete set of Management Plans is available for review in the Main Office. The Management Plan containing past, present, and future asbestos activity is located at the Main Office at 1284 U Avenue, Boone, Iowa. People wishing to view this plan may contact Parvez Faisal at United Community School, 1284 U Avenue, Boone, IA (515-432-4319).

Corporal Punishment, Restraint, Physical Confinement, and Detention

State law forbids school employees from using corporal punishment against any student. Certain actions by school employees are not considered corporal punishment. Additionally, school employees may use “reasonable and necessary force, not designed or intended to cause pain” to do certain things, such as prevent harm to persons or property.

State law also places limits school employees’ abilities to restrain or confine and detain any student. The law limits why, how, where, and for how long a school employee may restrain or confine and detain a child. If a child is restrained or confined and detained, the school must maintain documentation and must provide certain types of notice to the child’s parent.

If you have any questions about this state law, please contact your school. The complete text of the law and additional information is available on the Iowa Department of Education’s website: www.iowa.gov/educate

District Nondiscrimination Policy

The District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. Any person inquiring about or seeking assistance with the District's compliance with equity regulations may contact Heather Holm, Superintendent, who has been designated as the coordinator of the District.

hholm@united.k12.ia.us | UCSD | 1284 U Ave, Boone, IA 50036 | (515) 432-5319. Complaints can also be directed to the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, 400 E. 14th Street, Des Moines, IA 50319-1004, (515) 281-4121, or Region VII Office for Civil Rights, Citigroup Center 500 W. Madison Street, Suite 1475 Chicago, IL 60661-4544.

Educational Equity Policy Statement

Students, parents, employees, and others doing business with or performing services for the United Community School District (“District”) are hereby notified that the District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, (except students), religion, national origin, sex, marital status, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability in admission or access to, or treatment in, its programs and activities.

The District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, (except students), religion, national origin, sex, martial status, creed, sexual orientation, gender, or disability in admission or access to, or treatment in, its hiring and employment practices. Any person having inquiries concerning the school district’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI. Title VII, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of rehabilitation Act of 1974, or Iowa Code 280.3 is directed to contact:

Superintendent of Schools

Located at 1284 U Avenue, Boone, IA 50036

Phone: (515) 432-5319

Who has been designated by the District to coordinate the District’s efforts to comply with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1974, or Iowa Code 280.3 (2005).

EOE/Equity Information

The role of the Equity Coordinator is to ensure non-discrimination in employment and personnel practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, religion, creed, age, marital status, sexual orientation, and gender identity. The district also prohibits harassment and bullying by/of employees and students on the basis of race, national origin, color, language, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, familial status, physical and mental ability or disability, age, religion, creed, physical attributes, ancestry, socioeconomic status, political party preference and political beliefs.

United Community's Equity Coordinator is Heather Holm, Superintendent. Mrs. Holm can be reached at school at 515-432-5319,  or via email at hholm@united.k12.ia.us.

Equal Employment Opportunity (Affirmative Action)

It is the policy of the United Community School District Board of Education to extend equal opportunities to all employees and to applicants for employment who meet the qualifications established for a class or a position for which the application is made. It is also the policy of this district to not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status. (Code No. 401.1)

Inquiries regarding compliance with equal educational or employment opportunities and/or affirmative action shall be directed to Affirmative Action Coordinator, United Community School District, 1284 U Avenue, Boone, IA 50036. Inquiries may also be directed in writing to the Director of the Region VII Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 310 W. Wisconsin Ave., Ste. 800, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203-2292, (414) 291-1111 or the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, 211 E. Maple, Des Moines, IA 50309, (515) 281-4121.

Harassment and Bullying

The United Community School District is committed to providing all students with a safe and civil educational environment in which all are treated with dignity and respect. The District is also committed to promoting understanding and appreciation of the cultural diversity of our society. The United Community School District shall educate students about our cultural diversity and shall promote tolerance of individual differences. The Board Policy 104 can be found in its entirety on the District website at unitedcomets.org. You also can request a copy be sent to you by contacting the Office of the Superintendent by calling 515-432-5319 or sending a letter of request to the Office of the Superintendent, 1284 U Avenue, Boone, IA 50036.

Health Service Responsibilities

The health service responsibilities for grades preschool through sixth is shared by one nurse. Not only is the focus of physical care for the students but on health promotion and health education as well. The complete school health program includes elements of health service, health education, and a healthy school environment to help meet the educational and health needs of the student population.

Some of the health services for students and staff include screening programs, illness care, emergency care and first aid, health counseling, and communicable disease control. Screening programs which include vision (grades preschool through 6th) hearing, blood pressure, height and weight measurements, are completed.

Health counseling, an increasingly important part of health service, involves conferences with students on concerns such as family problems, personal health problems, stress, and/or hygiene.

Another area of school health deals with health education. The school nurse is often a classroom presenter or serves as a resource for the classroom teacher. Programs are provided on subjects such as sex education and sexually transmitted diseases (6th grade only), hand washing, dental health, and growth and development (5th and 6th grades only).

Through health services and health education, the school nurse can help students make healthy and responsible choices.

Homeless Information

The Board of Directors of United Community is responsible for locating and identifying homeless children and youth (defined as a child between 5 and 21 who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including a child who lives on the street, a car, a tent, an abandoned building; living in a community shelter facility; or living with non-nuclear family members or friends who may not have legal guardianship). Many forms of services and assistance are available to children and youth identified as homeless.

Elyse Brimeyer is the Homeless Liaison for United Community. If you believe you are homeless, or you know someone who is, please contact her at school at (515) 432-5319 or email ebrimeyer@united.k12.ia.us.

Iowa Child Nutrition Provider Nondiscrimination Notice

It is the policy of this CNP provider not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, or religion in its programs, activities, or employment practices as required by the Iowa Code section 216.6, 216.7, and 216.9. If you have questions or grievances related to compliance with this policy by this CNP Provider, please contact the:

Iowa Civil Rights Commission, Grimes State Office building, 400 E. 14th St. Des Moines, IA 50319-1004; phone number (515) 281-4121, (800) 457-4416; website: https://icrc.iowa.gov/.

Iowa Eligibility Privacy Act Statement

The Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act requires the information on the Iowa Eligibility Application. You do not have to give the information, but if you do not, we cannot approve your child for free or reduced price meals.  You must include the last four digits of the social security number of the adult household member who signs the application.  The last four digits of the social security number is not required when you apply on behalf of a foster child or you list a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) case number or other FDPIR identifier for your child or when you indicate that the adult household member signing the application does not have a social security number.  We will use your information to determine if your child is eligible for free or reduced price meals and for administration and enforcement of the lunch and breakfast programs. We MAY share your eligibility information with education, health, and nutrition programs to help them evaluate, fund, or determine benefits for their programs, auditors for program reviews, and law enforcement officials to help them look into violations of program rules.

Iowa Sex Offender Registry

Many communities in Iowa, including our communities, have residents living in the community that are on the Iowa Sex Offender Registry. We are aware of residents living in the area that are on the sex offender register, although we no longer receive any official notification. The sex offender register is available online at http://www.iowasexoffender.com. Parents are encouraged to be aware of this information by accessing this website.

Please be aware that this notification is to serve only as a means for the public to protect themselves. Any action taken by anyone against these individuals or their family can result in arrest and prosecution.

Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS)

Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS) partners with schools to provide services for individuals who experience a disability.  Your child may be eligible for IVRS services during high school, even if they are not eligible for special education services.  For more information on services available through IVRS, contact the IVRS Ames Area Office at (515) 233-5753.  If you would like IVRS to have access to your child’s educational records to assist with assessing their eligibility for IVRS services, please contact the United Community School Main Office about the necessary consent forms.

No. 102.E2 Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination

It is the policy of the United Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age for employment, marital status for programs, sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status for programs in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact Heather Holm, 1284 U Ave, Boone IA 50036, 515-432-5319, hholm@united.k12.ia.us.

Filing a Complaint

A Complainant who wishes to avail himself/herself of this grievance procedure may do so by filing a complaint with the equity coordinator(s). An alternate will be designated in the event it is claimed that the equity coordinator or building administrator committed the alleged discrimination or some other conflict of interest exists. Complaints will be filed within 180 days of the event giving rise to the complaint or from the date the Complainant could reasonably become aware of such occurrence. The Complainant will state the nature of the complaint and the remedy requested. The equity coordinator(s) will assist the Complainant as needed. 


Within 15 working days, the equity coordinator will begin the investigation of the complaint or appoint a qualified person to undertake the investigation (hereinafter “equity coordinator”).  If the Complainant is under 18 years of age, the equity coordinator will notify his or her parent(s)/guardian(s) that they may attend investigatory meetings in which the Complainant is involved. The complaint and identity of the Complainant, Respondent, or witnesses will only be disclosed as reasonably necessary in connection with the investigation or as required by law or policy. The investigation may include, but is not limited to the following: 

  • A request for the Complainant to provide a written statement regarding the nature of the complaint; 
  • A request for the individual named in the complaint to provide a written statement;
  • A request for witnesses identified during the course of the investigation to provide a written statement; 
  • Interviews of the Complainant, Respondent, or witnesses; 
  • An opportunity to present witnesses or other relevant information; and 
  • Review and collection of documentation or information deemed relevant to the investigation.

Within 60 working days, the equity coordinator will complete the investigation and issue a report with respect to the findings.  The equity coordinator will notify the Complainant and Respondent of the decision within 5 working days of completing the written report. Notification will be by U.S. mail, first class. 

Decision and Appeal

The complaint is closed after the equity coordinator has issued the report, unless within 10 working days after receiving the decision, either party appeals the decision to the building administrator by making a written request detailing why he/she believes the decision should be reconsidered. The equity coordinator will promptly forward all materials relative to the complaint and appeal to the building administrator. Within 30 working days, the building administrator will affirm, reverse, amend the decision, or direct the equity coordinator to gather additional information. The building administrator will notify the Complainant, Respondent, and the equity coordinator of the decision within 5 working days of the decision. Notification will be by U.S. mail, first class. 

  • The decision of the AEA/impartial designee will be final. 
  • The decision of the AEA/impartial designee in no way prejudices a party from seeking redress through state or federal agencies as provided by in law. 
  • This policy and procedures are to be used for complaints of discrimination, in lieu of any other general complaint policies or procedures that may be available. 
  • If any of the stated timeframes cannot be met by the district, the district will notify the parties and pursue completion as promptly as possible. 
  • Retaliation against any person, because the person has filed a complaint or assisted or participated in an investigation, is prohibited. Persons found to have engaged in retaliation will be subject to discipline by appropriate measures.

Nondiscrimination Statement for Career and Technical Education

The United Community School District whole grade shares 7-12 programs with Ames and Boone Community School Districts.  Ames Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following areas of study: 

  • Human Services
  • Business, Finance, Market, and Management
  • Arts, Communications, and Information Systems
  • Applied Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Manufacturing

It is the policy of the Ames Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact Shan Seivert, Director of Human Resources, shan.seivert@ames.k12.ia.us, District Offices, 2005 24th St. Ames, IA 50010, 515-268-6610.  

The Boone Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following service areas:

  • Agricultural Education
  • Business Education
  • Health Occupations Education
  • Family and Consumer Sciences Education
  • Industrial Education
  • Marketing Education

It is the policy of the Boone Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact the district’s Equity Coordinator, Dr. Jill Janes, Director of Innovative Learning, 500 7thStreet, Boone, IA, 50036, (515) 433-0750, jjanes@boone.k12.ia.us.

Open Enrollment

Parents/guardians considering the use of the Open Enrollment option to enroll their child or children in another public-school district in the State of Iowa need to fill out an Open Enrollment Form and have that filed and approved by the Superintendent in both Districts.

March 1st is the Deadline for Open Enrollment for 1-12 grades or September 1st Deadline for students entering transitional kindergarten or kindergarten.

Parents/guardians of Open Enrolled students whose income falls below 160% of the federal poverty guidelines are eligible for transportation assistance. This may be in the form of actual transportation or in the form of a cash stipend.

Parents should be aware that the Open Enrollment may result in the loss of athletic eligibility. For further details, contact the District Office at 515-432-5319.

School Bus Safety - Kaden's Law

One would think it would be difficult to miss the flashing amber and red 8-way flashers on the bulkhead of our buses front and back as well as the red flashing lights on our two bus-mounted stop signs. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence. The purpose of the law is to protect our students. The fine is issued only after the dangerous action is over and is used as a deterrent in the future. Under the bill, Senate File 2218, a first offense fine is at least $250 and up to $675, and a violator can be sent to jail for up to 30 days. A second offense within five years is a serious misdemeanor, with fines ranging from $315 to $1,875 and a jail term up to a year. United has cameras mounted in most of our buses. This has been a very valuable tool in identifying the vehicles involved in the situation. Every year we hear about young children getting killed or injured in situations involving school transportation. Most schools, including United, design our bus routes to minimize the risk for our students, but we need your help. Keep in mind that it is illegal and dangerous to pass a school bus from either direction while the red lights are flashing and the stop arm is extended. You must slow to 20 mph or less and be prepared to stop a minimum of 15 feet away from the bus when approaching from the front when the amber warning lights are flashing. The only time these lights are going to be used is when children are coming to or going away from the bus at their designated stops so please stay clear until all children have left the area. For a complete set of details, please go to the Code of Iowa (Iowa Code section 321.372) at https://www.legis.iowa.gov/docs/code/321.372.pdf.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is the law that prohibits schools from discriminating against students with disabilities. Section 504 sets minimum standards for providing related services and aids to students with disabilities that substantially limits a major life activity. All accredited Iowa schools must comply with Section 504, Section 504 applies to elementary and secondary education, preschool and adult education, and private education.

For more information on consideration of a 504 Plan for your child, please contact your child’s Principal. The Principal will then take steps to convene a team of individuals who are knowledgeable about your child to determine, based on evaluation data, if a 504 Plan is warranted. Following is a link to the Iowa Dept. of Education website http://educateiowa.gov for more information on Section 504.

Special Education Delivery Plan

This plan can be located on the District website at unitedcomets.org. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this plan, please contact Maggi Butler, Special Education Director at 515-432-5319 or by email at mbutler@united.k12.ia.us.

Student Records

The United Community School District maintains records on each student in order to facilitate the instruction, guidance, and educational progress of the student. The records contain information about the student and his or her education and may include, but are not limited to, the following types of records: identification data, record of achievement, family background data, aptitude tests, educational and vocational plans, honors and activities, discipline data, objective counselor or teacher ratings, and observations and agency reports.

The records of each student are generally located in the school in which he or she is attending. The person in charge of record maintenance for each school building will note in the student’s other records any exception. The name and position of the person responsible for maintenance of student records for each school building is listed below.

United Elementary - Elyse Brimeyer (Elementary Principal)

The following persons, agencies, and organizations may have restricted access to student records, without prior written consent of the parent or student over the age of 18 years. Any other access to student records shall be only upon written consent or upon court order or legally issued subpoena.

  • To school officials within the school district and AEA personnel whom the superintendent has determined to have a legitimate educational interest, including, but not limited to, board members, employees, school attorney, auditor, health professionals, and individuals serving on official school committees;
  • To officials of another school district in which the student wishes to enroll, provided the other school district notifies the parents the student records are being sent and the parents have an opportunity to receive a copy of the records and challenge the contents of the records unless the annual notification includes a provision that records will automatically be transferred to new school districts;
  • To the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education or state and local educational authorities;
  • In connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received if the information is necessary to receive the financial aid;
    To organizations conducting educational studies and the study does not release personally identifiable information;
  • To accrediting organizations;
  • To parents of a dependent student as defined in the Internal Revenue Code;
  • To comply with a court order or judicially issued subpoena (consistent with an interagency agreement between the school district and juvenile justice agencies);
  • In connection with a health or safety emergency; or,
  • As directory information.

Student records are reviewed and inappropriate material destroyed periodically and, at a minimum, whenever a student moves from the elementary building to the next district, and when a student transfers out of the district. Those records not of permanent importance are destroyed within three years after graduation or discontinued attendance.

The parents of disabled students, or disabled students over age 18, will be informed when personally identifiable information in the records is no longer needed to provide educational services, and before the information is destroyed.

Title IX

In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, the United Community School District prohibits sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, against any individual participating in any education program or activity of the District.  This prohibition on discrimination applies to students, employees, and applicants for employment.  The Board authorizes the Superintendent to adopt procedures for any individual to report sex discrimination or sexual harassment, and for the investigation and resolution of such complaints.  

Any individual with questions about the District’s Title IX policy and procedures, or who would like to make a report or file a formal complaint of sex discrimination or sexual harassment may contact the District’s designated Title Coordinator, Christine Oein, HR Director, 1284 U Avenue, Boone, IA 50036, (515) 432-5319 ext. 221, coein@united.k12.ia.us.

The District will utilize this Policy and Procedure to respond to all claims of sex discrimination or sexual harassment as defined in Section II of this policy.  If the District determines that a report or complaint does not allege conduct within the scope of Title IX, it may still proceed to investigate or respond to that report or complaint under any other applicable District policy or procedure.

Title IX Training

Tobacco/Nicotine Free Environment

United Community School District facilities and grounds, including school vehicles, are off limits for tobacco or nicotine use, including the use of look-a-likes where the original would include tobacco or nicotine. This requirement extends to students, employees, and visitors. This policy applies at all times, including school sponsored events, wherever held, and non-school sponsored events on District facilities and grounds. Visitors failing to abide by this policy are required to extinguish their smoking material, dispose of the tobacco, nicotine or other products or leave the District premises immediately. Students or employees failing to abide by this policy are subject to additional sanctions. It is the responsibility of the administration to enforce this policy.

United Community School District Assignments

Multi-Cultural Non-Sexist Education Coordinator, Elyse Brimeyer (Elementary Principal) 515-432-5319
Title IX Coordinator, Elyse Brimeyer (Elementary Principal) 515-432-5319
504 Coordinator, Elyse Brimeyer (Elementary Principal) 515-432-5319
Equity Coordinator, Elyse Brimeyer (Elementary Principal) 515-432-5319

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:

(1) MAIL: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
(2) FAX: (202) 690-7442; or
(3) EMAIL: program.intake@usda.gov.

Use of Video/Audio Cameras on School Buses

The United Community School District Board of Directors has authorized the use of video/audio cameras on District buses. The video/audio cameras may be used to randomly monitor student behavior to maintain order on the school buses to promote and maintain a safe environment. Students and parents are hereby notified that the content of the recordings may be used in a student disciplinary proceeding. The content of the recordings are confidential student records and will be retained with other student records. Recordings will only be retained if necessary for use in student disciplinary proceeding or other matter as determined necessary by the administration. Parents may request to view recordings of their child if the recordings are used in a disciplinary proceeding involving their child.

Video Surveillance

United Community School uses video surveillance/electronic monitoring equipment to observe, monitor, and/or record the behavior and activity of all persons on school property or grounds, or participating in school functions.

My favorite part about United is that you walk in and everybody says good morning and smiles at you and you feel so welcomed. It’s like a place home away from home.

Lucy S
5th Grade Student
©2025 United Community School District