Our Backpack Buddies Sponsor-of-the-Month for February is Bayer CropScience of Boone!
PARENTS: If you have any CHANGES to your address, phone number, email or any other contact information please alert the office as soon as possible.
April 18 is now a full day of school (snow day make-up)


The mission of the United Community School District is to ensure that each student will achieve the skills necessary to succeed in life. This will be accomplished by providing a student-centered educational community.


The United Community School District serves approximately 350 students in Preschool-6th Grade living in the communities of Boone, west Ames, and Luther, Iowa. Our phenomenal staff includes administrators, teachers, paraeducator/associates, office and health office staff, technology specialists, building and grounds and nutrition services teammates, bus drivers - and so many more! - who are passionate about our school and teaching the early childhood and elementary-level learners. There are many things that make our school special, but our favorites include our genuine and caring staff, small class-sizes, outdoor learning spaces, and the united family-like feel of our school. 


United Community CARES! At United Community, we are continually focused on being a school community where students are learning, thriving, and feel a strong sense of belonging! We are committed to five social and emotional competencies that form our CARES framework, they are: Cooperation, Assertiveness, Responsibility, Empathy, and Self-regulation


 Structured Literacy: We believe in an explicit, systemic, and   sequential approach to teaching reading that touches on all the   areas of literacy: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency,   vocabulary and the ultimate goal of comprehension. To achieve   our goal, United is a school-wide LETRS building! Preschool   through 6th Grade teachers are placed in cohorts to accomplish this learning. LETRS teaches the skills needed to master the foundational and fundamentals of reading and writing instruction: phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and written language.


Math: Our math instruction is moving to completely student centered and problem based in grades Preschool through 6th. In a mathematics class, students should not just learn about mathematics, they should do mathematics. This can be defined as engaging in the mathematical practices: making sense5 of problems, reasoning abstractly and quantitatively, making arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others, modeling with mathematics, making appropriate use of tools, attending to precision in their use of language, looking for and making use of structure, and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning. To ensure all students are reaching their fullest potential in math, we believe in students exploring problems and finding the most efficient way to solve them.  Similar to Literacy, United teachers are lifelong learners and we all strive to learn through continuous professional development. 

Join us! Enroll today!  Visit:  www.unitedcomets.org   Call: (515) 432-5319

6 United Community Early Learning: United offers a wide   range of programming opportunities for our youngest   students, including 3-year-old and 4-year-old ½ day   Preschool Classrooms with a wrap-around option called   Preschool Plus. New for the 2024-25 school year, United is   thrilled and excited to offer a full-day Developmental   Kindergarten classroom, in addition to our traditional   Kindergarten classroom! 

 Our Preschool classrooms utilize the Creative Curriculum   and GOLD Teaching Strategies programs to ensure a   developmentally appropriate and research-based approach   to your child learning and growing during their early years! NEW! Developmental Kindergarten is based on the Iowa Core Kindergarten Standards, including focused instruction in literacy and numeracy with a strong emphasis on self-regulation and social engagement, just at a more relaxed pace. Developmental Kindergarten is a great option for children who need additional time and preparation to develop academic and social skills for the rigor of Kindergarten.

5th & 6th Grades at United: Families of students in our upper grades share that they 7 appreciate United being able to offer an experience that feels like elementary and middle school merged together. Our teachers and staff who serve these grades are passionate about the middle-level learner and helping each individual student grow into who they will become in future years. We offer additional learning, field trips, and club/activity opportunities geared towards our upper grades students being student leaders across our school campus and into the community.

Related Arts, Kindergarten-6th Grade: At United Community students get the opportunity 8 to participate in Related Arts classes! These include General   Music, Physical Education (PE), Art, Classroom Guidance,   Library, Computer Science, and STEAM (Science,   Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics)   offerings. Additionally, we offer Instrumental Music (Band)   for students in 5th and 6th Grade. Our Related Arts teachers are passionate about the content area that they teach and look forward to having your child(ren) in their classrooms this school year! 


Outdoor Programming: United Community is home to a school prairie, arboretum, and  outdoor classroom. Your child will have the opportunity to experience robust outdoor learning experiences throughout the school year, including our annual old-fashioned “Harvest Day” in the fall, as well as our annual “Prairie Day” in the spring



I just love United because they make us feel loved and welcomed here. The teachers are the best!! I love that the outdoor classroom is always open to anyone.

Avery A
5th Grade Student
©2025 United Community School District