A BIG United "Thank You!" to the Dahl Family for sponsoring our Backpack Buddies program for January!
Monday, February 17th will be used as a snow day make-up...there will be school for all students that day!
Graduation Classes
Class of 1990
Christopher Anderson
Lori Anderson
Allison Becvar
Mark Bennett
Brad Benson
Stacy Bishop
Holly Buechler
Beatriz de Miguel
Audra Hand
Heather Hummel
Charles Johnson
Jeffrey Kallem
Neil Kegley
John Kemp
Robin Lawson
Timothy Loynachan
Erin Metcalf
Jimmy Miller
Shelly Parkhurst
John Patterson
Mark Safly
Jay Sturtz
Matthew Weigel
Michael Weigel
Christine Zoyer
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