A BIG United "Thank You!" to the Dahl Family for sponsoring our Backpack Buddies program for January!
Monday, February 17th will be used as a snow day make-up...there will be school for all students that day!
Graduation Classes
Class of 1981
Timothy Anderson
Jeffery Bricker
Cindy Brittain
Andrae Bunning
Daniel Bunning
Lori Busch
Marc Carpenter
Linda Doran
Leah Elsner
Christine Hunt
Rani Lartius
Julie Lundahl
Mary Beth Olson
Julie Pfeffer
Chris Poling
Joel Safly
Leanne Sampson
Diane Shreve
Joni Shreve
Rebecca Sigmund
Kurt Sodensbrum
Jeffery Toms
Devon Walton
Max Weigel
Carolina Wilson
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